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Local Optimization for B2B and B2C Companies

By Snap Agency June 7, 2017

How local is your website? Optimizing your website for local search is more important now than ever before.

According to a Google study, over 50% of consumers who conduct a local search on their smartphone visit a store within one day. Four out of five consumers use a search engine to find local information.

But not all businesses are the same. So not all local optimization strategies are equal. Which local SEO strategies will work best for you?

Local SEO for B2C Businesses

Do you sell a product or service directly to consumers? Local optimization is a great way to reach local customers. In fact, when most people think of “local SEO” they’re probably thinking of strategies used for B2C businesses.

Optimizing for local involves identifying appropriate local keywords. These local terms are placed throughout the content, headings, alt tags, description tags and more. You’ll want to use as many different local terms as possible, including local nicknames.

If your business has a physical location, local optimization will help draw traffic through the door. Mobile-friendly sites are key here. People use their mobile device to search for nearby brick-and-mortar businesses.

Local optimization techniques for B2C businesses evolve over time. Check out the latest info in our guide Local Search in 2017.

Local SEO for B2B Businesses

Local optimization for B2B businesses isn’t as widely used as optimization for B2C businesses. Many B2B businesses operate across a wider, national (or international) area. But local optimization strategies can still have a powerful impact on a B2B business.

If your target audience is other businesses, here’s what you need to keep in mind about local optimization:

Focus on the Long-Term

With local B2C marketing, you’re reaching out to people who are in the area. They’re looking for directions to a store where they can make a purchase as soon as possible. Your goal is to deliver options (prices, directions, etc.) as efficiently as possible.

With local B2B marketing, your customers aren’t necessarily looking to make a purchase right now. Instead, they want to learn more about the products or services you provide.

Content is usually your most valuable asset. Don’t be afraid to use a lot of detail. Provide info about who you are and what you do. Also, focus on the great benefits your clients can expect to see when they hire you.

Focus on Link Building

There are two main ways to reach new customers: Social media marketing and link building. While both are important, B2B businesses really want to focus on link building.

Why? When a business is looking to hire another business, they don’t conduct their search across social media. Instead, they turn to industry influencers.

Industry influencers are trade publications, industry blogs, trusted reviewers and others. You want these sites to recommend your products and link to your pages. Check out Influencer Marketing 101 for more.

Focus on General Local Keywords

When you’re targeting customers looking for a physical store, you can really refine the local keywords used. The customers you’re trying to reach are, for the most part, nearing the end of the buying cycle. They’ve decided to make a purchase, and now they’re just looking for the most convenient or best deal.

On the other hand, B2B customers could be basically anywhere within the buying cycle. So you can’t target just those who are ready to buy. Instead, you need to target businesses who could be anywhere within the buying cycle.

B2B content should focus on general keywords and terminology related to your industry. This helps you target searchers who are simply interested in gathering information about your industry but aren’t necessarily ready to buy.

Focus on Mobile

Local searches are going to be even more important as Google rolls out their Mobile First Index. Over 50% of all internet searchers are conducted with a mobile device. More and more customers are going to be using a mobile device to search for your business, and your site will need local optimization strategies to reach them.

This is true even if you provide a virtual service. After all, many B2B services don’t sell a physical product. You’ll still want to optimize your site for both mobile and local. Potential customers might not live near you, but many of them are likely to search for you by using a smart device.

Final Thoughts

Marketing for a B2B business is different than marketing for one which sells directly to customers. Sometimes, B2B business owners don’t quite understand the importance of local optimization – but the effects can help you stand out from the competition.

Whether your business is B2C or B2B, your site needs to be optimized for local. If you have any questions about local optimization, call or email us today. We’ll be happy to provide you with more information for your unique situation.