With identity protection, the market segment is rich with opportunity but also full of competition; first we took a deep dive into what their competitors were doing that was working. We then tried to see if there were opportunities they were missing out on by looking at search trends and demographics. After creating some audience personas for people that would potentially be looking at the site, we knew we needed to keep the emphasis on vulnerability. We needed to represent people in the older Gen X or younger Baby Boomer generations who actually have something to lose if they don’t have identity protection.
Only after fully understanding the “why” by wholly digesting the reasoning behind what people are buying into when they buy this financial product could we even begin to create anything of substance for the client. This deep-dive excursion enabled us to start sketching out layouts and workshopping layouts and element opportunities with key members of the AmTrust marketing team. We used our own consultative approach to begin in order to create a clear trust-eliciting layout that hit all of the high notes we needed in order to sell the most of this type of product to this audience.