Our Challenge
CEP connected with Snap to make use of our award-winning social media marketing services. The client was struggling to expand their reach to engage new consumers within their niche target market. And while CEP had a healthy online presence, there was ample opportunity to expand their digital footprint by further utilizing social media to increase brand awareness and drive high-quality traffic to their website.
Since CEP operates solely within the academic sector, it’s vital that they continue to be viewed as an authority in continuing education—and be seen by new educators seeking to further their education. But the client was struggling with poor visibility on their social platforms, leading to inadequate conversions. Together, we resolved to use data-driven social media tactics and strategy to position the continuing education brand for long-term digital success.
Our Solution
Snap’s social media experts utilized a unique approach to meet and exceed CEP’s goals. After collaborating with CEP’s internal team, we determined that the best approach would be to focus on three targets: users who had already explored the CEP website, users on the CEP email list, and a lookalike audience with similar characteristics to past purchasers of CEP products.
With nine custom ads per month, our team was able to far surpass our original goals. We started by building brand awareness through engagement ads, and then progressed to conversion ads targeted at specific audiences that were already aware of the CEP brand and most likely to convert into paying customers.
After building an audience over the course of three months, the new year brought sizable returns for Learners Edge—resulting in a return of $17.65 on every ad dollar spent. In fact, CEP brought in $138,288 in revenue from their Facebook ads alone during a particularly successful 12-day span. With a 1,765% return on investment, CEP was beyond thrilled with the results of their social campaign.
Partner With Snap Agency Today
Interested in creating a gorgeous yet effective online presence for your business? Then don’t hesitate to call or message Snap Agency. Our team can provide all of the digital marketing services your organization needs to ensure long-term business success.